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Richard Smith

Audit Partner


LinkedIn: Richard Smith

Tel: (08)82128710

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Richard has over 15 years of experience in the pension and superannuation industry, in the United Kingdom and Australia.

Richard joined ASF Audits in 2004 and has been a Partner since 2007. Prior to this he was an actuarial consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Richard has been a member of the ATO Superannuation Consultative Committee Approved Auditor Working Group since it was formed in 2009.


  • Registered SMSF Auditor (ASIC)
  • Member of The Institute of Public Accountants
  • SPAA Specialist Auditor
  • SPAA Specialist Adviser
  • Master in Business Administration
  • BA (Hons) Accounting and Law
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Simon Rees

Audit Partner


LinkedIn: Simon Rees

Tel: (08) 8212 8710

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Simon joined ASF Audits in 2008 and was appointed a Partner in 2010. Simon has over 10 years of experience in the accounting and superannuation industry, including financial planning.

Prior to joining ASF Audits, Simon was a financial adviser and superannuation accountant for a 2nd tier Chartered Accounting firm.  Previously, Simon worked for a specialist superannuation administrator and also held business services/internal audit roles with a mid-tier firm and a Big 4 firm.

Simon’s experience in accounting and financial planning and his specialist knowledge of superannuation provides broad knowledge to the staff and clients of ASF Audits.


  • Registered SMSF Auditor (ASIC)
  • Member of CPA Australia
  • Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
  • Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning
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Ben Atkins

Marketing Partner


LinkedIn: Ben Atkins

Tel: (08) 8212 8710

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Ben was employed by ASF Audits as a Business Development Manager in 2008 and became a Partner in 2010.

Prior to being employed by ASF Audits, Ben was an owner of NuKorc Pty Ltd. He was integral in the business' growth to become one of the world largest manufacturers of synthetic wine corks. In 2007 NuKorc was manufacturing 300 million wine corks in three countries. 

Ben brings extensive experience in marketing, business development and client management. 




  • Bachelor of Agricultural Business
  • Professional Certificate in Self-Managed Super Funds
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